Anne Troutman

Vice President


Artist & writer Anne Troutman (she/her/hers) has enjoyed a rich career in the arts variously as Director of Publications at the Museum of American Folk Art, Research Scholar at UCLA & Getty Research Institute, Founding Director of the Women in the Arts Program, Santa Monica, and Editor of RAM publications.

She practiced architecture in California for 25 years & taught architecture and art studios at UCLA, SCI-Arc, & SM College of Design Art & Architecture, where she was Chair of Environmental Design before undertaking her photography-based art practice. While in Santa Monica, Anne lived in an 1875 church she restored as her family home and art studio and served on the City of Santa Monica Arts Commission, the Santa Monica Conservancy, as well as the historic Santa Monica Bay Women’s Club.

Since moving to Nantucket, Anne has enjoyed working with local non-profits the Nantucket Preservation Trust, the Nantucket Book Foundation, the Nantucket Film Festival and the South Church Preservation Fund. She is a member of the Nantucket Artists Association. Her photo-reliefs, installations, videos, artist books, articles and literary essays have been published and exhibited nationally.

Anne grew up in NYC and first came to Nantucket to work summers in the mid-70s. Now a full-time resident, Anne makes her home on Fair Street.

None of above, however, has interfered with her life-long passion for reading and love of books!